
Virtual Learning 101: How to prevent distractions at home

School is back in session, but many families are still unable to bring their children back to the classrooms full-time. Virtual learning may require parents to continue working remote or hire caregivers to stay home and help with their children’s education.

Sliding glass room divider for kids room and virtual learning

The U.S. Census Bureau conducted a Household Pulse Survey to measure the impact of homeschooling from the pandemic. The study shows that homeschooling has doubled since 2019, and like many states, California has been affected heavily. We know first-hand the many struggles that families are facing, and how this pandemic has affected your children’s schooling.

Virtual Learning Needs a Dedicated Space

We know this process can be stressful. As much as we would like to return to our normal lives, your home still needs a designated space to continue your child’s education without interruption.

Sliding glass room divider for virtual learning or study room

Virtual learning and studying from home comes with many distractions – the TV, snacks, pets, or even your child’s toy box sitting in the family space just begging for play time. Too often you can catch them peeking to see what cartoon is on, or the family dog, Max, is trying to eat their homework.

Separating your living room and kitchen from another space in your home can make a tremendous difference in helping your child focus on their virtual learning – distraction free. Room dividers are a great way to maximize space in your common areas in order to make virtual learning less overwhelming for you and your family.

Frosted glass closet doors in kids play room

Solutions to Improve Your Kids’ Study Room

The Sliding Door Company provides interior glass door solutions with safety you can trust including space saving room dividers, swing doors, stacking closet doors, pocket doors and even bi-fold doors. We can provide options for the space you have designated for your child’s education/learning area, such as a glass partition that still lets ample natural light in, or even a sliding room divider that will curtail walk in disruptions.

Schedule a free consultation with one of our team members today to learn how you can transform an overwhelming study area into a distraction-free space with timeless sliding glass doors and room dividers! Be sure to follow us on social media for extra inspiration!


Finishing Out The Latest Lockdown Strong

As much of the country returns to a lockdown for the next couple of weeks, people are once again asked to adapt to new circumstances. Yet, there is a difference between now and last Spring’s stay-at-home mandates. That is, people have become much more prepared and now know what they’ll need in order to get through these trying times. With most public spaces, gyms, and other facilities closing down yet again, it can be hard to find daily balance and a healthy physical outlet to turn to, especially moving into the winter months.

Returning to this highly unusual way of life can be difficult for many reasons. The loss of social time with friends and family, little interaction with the outside world, less time in nature and the general inability to do and see the things that we love can leave us feeling strained, depressed, and exhausted. After all, restaurants and public spaces served as a setting in which we were able to see and interact with our friends, coworkers, and loved ones while being presumably safe and comfortable. Without the ability to dine “in”, our options for social interaction have significantly reduced and have caused us to feel rather estranged.

It’s important to remember that these times will pass and will be back to a normal way of life soon enough. But in the meantime, while we head indoors for the next month or so, we at The Sliding Door Company have come up with some helpful tips to help manage your home life, your health, and your happiness during this new wave of lockdowns.

Make A Routine

One of the best ways to find a sense of normalcy and stay productive during this new lockdown is to create a functional routine for yourself, even when it feels like there is nothing you have to do or no place you have to be. Working from home or managing schoolwork at home affords much more flexibility in terms of choosing when to work and when to take breaks. But what many find, is that too much flexibility can often lead to being unproductive. Many of us have felt ungrounded and unsettled without the typical structure we were once accustomed to over this past year.

So, make some for yourself! With a self-made schedule, one can maintain a healthy structure to the workday, take the time your hardworking mind and body needs to feel refreshed, and feel like the days aren’t all blending into each other.

Time is Ticking

Set an alarm for the early a.m. and get up to start your day in a different way. Sneak in a little yoga practice or just enjoy the time to yourself to have your coffee or read before your workday starts. Making time for yourself in this way can be elemental in maintaining a sense of peace and grounding throughout your day. Encourage your roommates or kids to do the same and hopefully, everyone can feel more at peace during these strange times.

Get Your Head in the Game

Exercise is Everything!

The key to achieving a happy, well-balanced life? Physical exercise! And although it’s cold outside and most gyms are closed, that doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to move our bodies. Transition to outdoor activities like biking, jogging, or hiking if weather affords. Too cold for that? Consider setting up a home gym in your house. Make a point to get into the home gym at least once a day, even for just 20 minutes if that’s all you have.  Do some yoga, lift some weights, jump rope, try a pilates video, stretch, and just get your blood moving enough to enjoy some much-needed endorphins. And if you don’t have an available room to turn into a gym, not to fret!

Our Solution

Install Sliding Glass Wall Partitions into any open space in your home to create an entirely new space in a matter of hours with no major construction! With hundreds of available spatial solutions and glass wall dividers available from the Sliding Door Company, there’s no reason you can’t make the space you need to break a sweat! Staying on top of your physical health will also do wonders for your mental well-being. When our bodies are happy, our minds are at peace. Consider installing life-changing floor-to-ceiling room dividers or flexible glass walls today, from The Sliding Door Company, and choose health this holiday season.

With the Sliding Door Company’s glass wall partitions, the options are truly endless! The key to finishing out this turbulent time is to make it work for you, not against you. Lean into the moment and transform your space with the solutions you need for success. Schedule a free consultation today with one of our team members. View our online catalog and see what glass solution suits your needs specifically!


New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year from all of us at The Sliding Door Company! Like most, we’re overwhelmingly excited about the prospects of 2021 and hope that this year will prove to be far more relaxed, joyous, and more fruitful than the last. And just as we are, many across the country are graciously welcoming in this new year with open arms and a uniquely hopeful spirit. After the year we’ve all just endured, we find that the only direction to move is upwards. Which prompts a wonderful opportunity for each of us to define a new season of dreams, resolutions, and positive life changes moving into 2021. Need a little inspiration defining your resolutions? We’ve got you covered.

You Do You

Our advice? Stop apologizing for everything. The past year was fraught with difficulties, uncertainty, stressors, fears, and hurdles for every single one of us. Blaming yourself and feeling badly about whatever emotional, financial, or physical shape you currently find yourself in, will not help matters. The best way to move forward is to forgive yourself, reduce your internal expectations, and practice acceptance. Actively accepting things as they come into your orbit will allow you to adapt, pivot, and reorganize yourself to meet your modern demands. By being kind to yourself, and leaning into your intuition, you’ll feel a lot more filled up and relaxed moving into this new year.

Choose Health

Perhaps the best (and most common) New Year’s Resolution is a pledge to our physical bodies. Whether that means eating healthier, reducing alcohol consumption, meditating daily, starting to work out with consistency, or spending more time outdoors, all of the above are great ways to improve your well-being from the inside out. And when our bodies are at peace, so is our mind. Here are some ideas for setting yourself up for success:

  1. Meal Planning
    By sitting down and putting your dietary goals onto paper, you’ll be able to outline and define a health plan and have guidelines for how to stick to it. Make a weekly shopping list of the health food you’d like to transition to and have it handy when you head to the store to help remind you what to buy. The internet is a great recipe and dietary resource, use it to find your ideal meal planning tips and tactics.
  2. Pick A Partner
    Get a friend to partner with you for your exercise goals. That way, you’ll have not only a motivator but someone to help keep you accountable throughout the year. Even if you can’t meet in person, you can always connect online. Zoom workout sessions are super easy and fun! Plus, having someone share the challenge with you may help motivate you.
  3. Bring the Outside In
    Home gyms are a great escape during normal circumstances, but especially during these pandemic-induced limitations, being able to work-out from home is essential! If you don’t have an extra bedroom to spare, construct your own private space within a larger area of the house. By using glass wall dividers from The Sliding Door Company, you can create a fully enclosed home gym within a day! Choose between sliding room dividers, and other glass partitions available. With hundreds of unique designs, you’ll have no issue finding the perfect partitions to suit your home’s aesthetic.

Put a Hold on Procrastination!

One of the biggest struggles most of us face in our daily lives is procrastinating on the things that matter most. This can look like many things, for example; scrolling through social media rather than clocking those work hours, putting off physical exercise, procrastinating on your to-do list, and in general, becoming distracted by inconsequential happenings throughout the day. In order to hone in on a more productive workday and a more balanced home-life, think about creating a special space just for yourself, even within a bustling interior environment! To do this, you can make a home office or personal study practically out of thin air with sliding room dividers and glass wall partitions made by The Sliding Door Company. Installation takes less than a day and requires no major construction, making your interior transformation a total breeze!

With the Sliding Door Company’s glass wall partitions, the options are truly endless! Start this new year off right and stick to those resolutions. Make your interiors work for you and transform your space with the solutions you need to achieve your goals. Schedule a free consultation today with one of our team members. View our online catalog and see what glass solution suits your needs specifically!