Hosting a large number of people during the holidays can be a joyous but challenging task. We’re not just door experts, we’re empaths too. So here are some tips we’ve come up with to help you manage this holiday season and make the experience enjoyable for everyone!
Plan Your Holidays Ahead of Time
Start planning well in advance. This includes preparing the guest list, menu, decorations, and any activities or games you might have in mind. Invite guests and have a head count. Decorate and plan accordingly. It’s never too soon to enjoy the festive season.
Invite Contributions and Support
Encourage guests to contribute! This could be by bringing a dish, dessert, or drinks. This not only lightens your workload but also adds variety to the menu. Let people research local activities or plan games and schedule events. Don’t be afraid to delegate and ask for help.
Create Seating and Space Plans
And we don’t mean just for meals! Consider both the dining and living areas to accommodate different activities. Chances are you’re hosting multiple generations and someone might want to be able to get up to watch kids, or be closer to the football on TV, or in a quieter corner. Maximize your space – it might be time to rearrange or store furniture or decor that is fragile or unnecessary.
Keep it Simple
While elaborate schedules and meals are wonderful, simplicity can be just as delightful. Consider relaxing hot cocoa and story time, serving dishes that can be prepared in advance, and even built-in ‘do nothing’/nap time if you’ve got young children or grandparents attending. Plan some activities or entertainment to keep everyone engaged. This could be board games, a holiday movie marathon, or even a karaoke session.
Provide Comfortable Spaces
Ensure there are comfortable seating and relaxation areas. Some guests might prefer a quieter spot away from the main festivities. Clients of The Sliding Door Company often mention how our products transformed their home especially when they needed to be able to delineate spaces during holidays and large family gatherings.

Create a Cozy Atmosphere
Decorate your home with festive and cozy elements to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Candles, fairy lights, and holiday decorations can enhance the ambiance. Temporary bedding and murphy beds, accommodating guests has come a long way. With partitions from The Sliding Glass Door Company in your home, you can set yourself and your guests up for success and comfort!

Set Up a Beverage Station/Mini Bar
Create a designated area for drinks, including non-alcoholic options. This can help guests serve themselves and prevent congestion in the kitchen.

Take Care of Yourself
Don’t forget to take care of yourself amid the hosting responsibilities. Get enough rest, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed. Remember, the holidays are about spending time together and creating joyful memories. Keep a positive attitude, be flexible, and enjoy the festive season with your loved ones!
If you get through this time and realize your house, floorplan or guest space isn’t meeting your needs, you might want to consider products from The Sliding Glass Door Company. We help homeowners craft rooms with sliding glass doors, walls, and partitions. Let’s see how we can better equip you and your home!