
Finishing Out The Latest Lockdown Strong

As much of the country returns to a lockdown for the next couple of weeks, people are once again asked to adapt to new circumstances. Yet, there is a difference between now and last Spring’s stay-at-home mandates. That is, people have become much more prepared and now know what they’ll need in order to get through these trying times. With most public spaces, gyms, and other facilities closing down yet again, it can be hard to find daily balance and a healthy physical outlet to turn to, especially moving into the winter months.

Returning to this highly unusual way of life can be difficult for many reasons. The loss of social time with friends and family, little interaction with the outside world, less time in nature and the general inability to do and see the things that we love can leave us feeling strained, depressed, and exhausted. After all, restaurants and public spaces served as a setting in which we were able to see and interact with our friends, coworkers, and loved ones while being presumably safe and comfortable. Without the ability to dine “in”, our options for social interaction have significantly reduced and have caused us to feel rather estranged.

It’s important to remember that these times will pass and will be back to a normal way of life soon enough. But in the meantime, while we head indoors for the next month or so, we at The Sliding Door Company have come up with some helpful tips to help manage your home life, your health, and your happiness during this new wave of lockdowns.

Make A Routine

One of the best ways to find a sense of normalcy and stay productive during this new lockdown is to create a functional routine for yourself, even when it feels like there is nothing you have to do or no place you have to be. Working from home or managing schoolwork at home affords much more flexibility in terms of choosing when to work and when to take breaks. But what many find, is that too much flexibility can often lead to being unproductive. Many of us have felt ungrounded and unsettled without the typical structure we were once accustomed to over this past year.

So, make some for yourself! With a self-made schedule, one can maintain a healthy structure to the workday, take the time your hardworking mind and body needs to feel refreshed, and feel like the days aren’t all blending into each other.

Time is Ticking

Set an alarm for the early a.m. and get up to start your day in a different way. Sneak in a little yoga practice or just enjoy the time to yourself to have your coffee or read before your workday starts. Making time for yourself in this way can be elemental in maintaining a sense of peace and grounding throughout your day. Encourage your roommates or kids to do the same and hopefully, everyone can feel more at peace during these strange times.

Get Your Head in the Game

Exercise is Everything!

The key to achieving a happy, well-balanced life? Physical exercise! And although it’s cold outside and most gyms are closed, that doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to move our bodies. Transition to outdoor activities like biking, jogging, or hiking if weather affords. Too cold for that? Consider setting up a home gym in your house. Make a point to get into the home gym at least once a day, even for just 20 minutes if that’s all you have.  Do some yoga, lift some weights, jump rope, try a pilates video, stretch, and just get your blood moving enough to enjoy some much-needed endorphins. And if you don’t have an available room to turn into a gym, not to fret!

Our Solution

Install Sliding Glass Wall Partitions into any open space in your home to create an entirely new space in a matter of hours with no major construction! With hundreds of available spatial solutions and glass wall dividers available from the Sliding Door Company, there’s no reason you can’t make the space you need to break a sweat! Staying on top of your physical health will also do wonders for your mental well-being. When our bodies are happy, our minds are at peace. Consider installing life-changing floor-to-ceiling room dividers or flexible glass walls today, from The Sliding Door Company, and choose health this holiday season.

With the Sliding Door Company’s glass wall partitions, the options are truly endless! The key to finishing out this turbulent time is to make it work for you, not against you. Lean into the moment and transform your space with the solutions you need for success. Schedule a free consultation today with one of our team members. View our online catalog and see what glass solution suits your needs specifically!


Solutions for an Unknown Future Year

With so many uncertainties, it’s worth considering the potential for new changes to school policy, coronavirus mandates, and the future of our relative schedules. With a change of leadership, there may be significant changes in how we live our lives and carry out our days. If this virus shows no sign of slowing, it’s likely that children and college students will be asked to once again resume school from home. This is why it’s important to think about the future, gear up with the right solutions, and tools to weather this storm and continue exercising the art of the pivot.

Changes to Learning

As it currently stands, with seemingly half of the country still doing remote learning, with the other half back in a physical school environment, there is much unknown as we head into the colder months and high flu season, we might see things change more rapidly than not. If the election determines a new president, we may start to see some significant changes surrounding education in terms of COVID policy. If schools are asked to send students home starting in 2021 for remote learning, you’ll want to arm yourself with the appropriate tools to ensure your children are getting in a full day of learning without major disruptions or distractions coming from the home. A great way to ensure this is to create quiet, concentration spaces for them in the home to act as a homemade classroom. And if you don’t have an extra bedroom available, you’ll want to prepare areas of the living room or open interior space to accommodate for this. Use sliding glass wall dividers to break up shared space or standing glass wall partitions to create an entirely new enclosed classroom for the kids. After all, if last spring showed us anything about a pandemic, it’s that indoor environments are everything.

Working From Home

Just like the kids, if governmental mandates shift and we are all asked to return home for remote work, you’ll want to make sure you have a closed-off office environment in order to have a successful workday free from distractions or stressors. Floor-to-ceiling glass wall partitions are a great physical barrier between your workday and the rest of your home. Especially with so many office supplies, computer supplies, and paperwork, it’s a good idea to create a special space for all of this so that your living environment doesn’t become inundated with office necessities. These sliding room dividers come in an assortment of varying glass opacities, frames, sizes, and accessories in order to perfectly suit your unique home. Never worry about quality again, as these glass wall dividers are made from extremely durable glass, manufactured with safety and longevity as a top priority. Glass is also exceptionally easy to wipe down, clean, and disinfect, making it easier than ever before to guard you and your loved one against this flu season!

Flexibility Counts

Flexibility very well might be the word of 2020, whether we want to admit it or not. Being asked to be flexible with our work schedules, our children’s schedules, and in general, our lives, this pandemic has asked us all to maintain an unprecedented level of flexibility. With sliding room dividers and sliding glass wall partitions, you can achieve the flexibility you need for an ever-changing world.

Help cap airborne contamination between you and your family this fall season with the most reliable physical barriers available! Arm yourself with the best spatial solutions available so you’re ready for this flu season and the potential for some big changes. Schedule a free consultation with one of our team members and learn how you can update your space with the most flexible, stylish glass wall dividers for your unique home!


Interior Space Mastery How Colors Inform Emotions Within Our Home

We’ve all experienced that moment walking into a home and becoming instantly transfixed, transported to another time and place and feeling. The colors on the walls, the textiles, the shapes of furniture inform our emotions, and cause us to feel a specific kind of way. That savory experience might have motivated some of us to seek out a similar experience in our own homes. Those experiences leave us wondering what exactly about that space had such a profound effect on our emotional state. Perhaps the mixture of all of the intimately considered design details when melded together, successfully elevated the space and brought us into a new state of being. So how does color inform emotion and what color palette can you choose to feel a specific way in your home?

Color Theory

Interior designers and artists across the globe have long asserted that color informs and influences human mood and emotion. The careful consideration of color within a space can have a profound effect on the psychological happenings of the inhabitant. From anxiety to depression, calmness to concentration, the color pallet can have a substantial impact on real human emotion. That’s why picking wall paint, furniture, and art while often overlooked, can literally change your life. People often admit to being turned off by a room if it doesn’t feel inviting. Not quite able to put their finger on the problem, many end up neglecting certain rooms in the house simply due to a bad color choice. That’s why we’re here to help inform your color decisions moving forward and hopefully ensure every room in the home is being used and loved by everyone.
“Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and even influence physiological reactions. Certain colors have been associated with increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, and eyestrain.” -Kendra Cherry,

The Basics: Warm vs. Cool 

Warm tones include colors under the red category, such a red, orange, yellow, and some creams, and whites. These colors can cause us to feel an array of different emotions. Take the color red for example, which is considered the most extreme color of them all. Red can cause us to feel many different emotions, all of which are intense and moving. Anger, love, excitement, passion, power, and control are all possible emotional byproducts of red, depending on the shade, the context, and our own unique associative processing. Yet other colors under the warm category such as orange, yellow, and creams can influence us to feel comfort, love, security, happiness, excitement, and motivation.
Examining colors on the cool spectrum, such as blues, purples, greens, and whites, we can often experience a different side of emotions. Feeling calm, relaxed, soothed, and concentrated in cooler settings has been reported by many. Although research is relatively limited, many of us can relate to these findings. So, when planning your interiors, consider how you may want to feel within each space. For example, home offices should maybe have a cooler wall color like blue, green, or white to improve concentration and focus while remaining calm and relaxed.
Other Considerations

  • Lighting

Lighting feeds greatly into mood and emotion in interior spaces. Natural light, warm amber bulbs, and light-allowing glass will help to accentuate the space and elevate mood. Consider replacing normal walls with sliding glass walls and floor to ceiling sliding glass dividers to allow natural daytime light to flow through your interior spaces.

  • Art

Pair thought-provoking art with your relative wall color to offer beautiful juxtapositions and influence your emotion in the space. If your wall color is simpler and paired-down, you’ll have more freedom to play with colorful pieces without running the risk of over-stimulation.

  • Furniture

Furnishings have an obvious effect on space, as does their color. The color pallet of the entire room needs to be considered and has to work harmoniously with the wall color, art, and textiles. Patterns and color can either elevate or distract. Make sure your furniture is
Keep these color considerations in mind when designing your interiors. When chasing that feeling of being transported to another time and place, color and light is key. Bring more light into your home with glass wall dividers and space-optimizing sliding glass doors, sliding closet doors, and sliding room dividers. For more inspiration and ideas on spatial solutions, don’t hesitate to check out the best offered at The Sliding Door Company. Visit Us Online to browse our online viewing catalog and Enjoy A Free Consultation from one of our team members to actualize your vision today!

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How to Reimagine the Least-Loved Rooms in the House

During the past few months spent mostly indoors, we’ve had to exist within tight quarters amongst other roommates, significant others, and family. While everyone is home during daytime hours that previously were occupied by varying schedules, tensions have risen and the need for personal space has been at the forefront of almost everyone’s mind. Because we’ve spent so much time at home, we’ve been faced with our interiors and have in many cases, closely examined each and every inch of our interior space to an almost irritating extent. Luckily, a lot has been discovered about the way in which we exist in our homes, collectively and singularly.

If you’re like most Americans in a similar scenario, you’ve probably asked yourself multiple times how you could create more space in your home. Perhaps you have entire rooms serving an undefined purpose, or enabling some very unhealthy hoarding habits. That fact is, when we have more space, sometimes we simply don’t know what to do with it. That’s why were here to help you reimagine your least-loved rooms. To create more harmony within your interiors and reclaim some of your much-needed space. Here are the top tips for renewing your interiors.

Keep the Kitchen, Ditch the Home Gym

Keep in mind, that while home sizes in the US have expanded dramatically over the past fifty years, family sizes have considerably shrunk. This offers insight into how little we actually utilizing that extra square footage to our benefit. Homes with extra rooms, such as a second “holiday” dining room, or a home gym crammed into a spare bedroom, are practically never used. If this sounds familiar, consider reimagining how you could update those spaces to bring them into the current moment of your lifestyle needs. Consider splitting one of your spare bedrooms into a home office that utilizes glass wall dividers so that half of the room is for productivity, while the other half is for working out. It is rare that you would need a fully stocked home gym. Likely, if a gym is a necessity for you, you’d want a treadmill, a yoga mat station, some smaller sized weights, and perhaps an elliptical machine. That can all easily fit into one half of a normal-sized bedroom. The other half would get to enjoy a light-filled home office. Again, frosted glass office walls are a spatial solution to visually separate two distinct spaces, while affording you all the concentration you need for a productive WFH day.

Extra Dining Room

This excessive two-dining-room space taking design is a spatial dilemma for most modern-day homes. I’m not quite sure why so many architects chose to build an extra dining room only to be used on special occasions (roughly four times per year), but they did, so now the task is to figure out what to do with this very un-used, least-loved room in the house. Being apart from most main foot traffic, these spare dining rooms make for the perfect home theater, children’s play area, or art studio. Being most unaffected by other members of the house, these rooms afford you a sense of spatial retreat from the chaos and disruption of other populated common areas. Use this space as a meditation room or a place to unwind with a novel and a glass of red after a long day of work. For enhanced privacy, consider installing interior sliding doors with frosted glass panels that offer a wonderful barrier between your little retreat and the rest of the home.

The Two Car Garage

This is one area of the home so widely overlooked yet capitalizing on some of the largest square footage, that it had to be considered in this list. So many Americans with large two-car garages don’t ever park in the garage out of convenience. With an abundance of available room, and with little inspiration for what to do with it, garages quickly become a wasteland of discarded home furnishings, extra sporting equipment, tools, and a vast array of “extras” that never get used or enjoyed. The amount of material items we hold onto solely for sentimental value is ridiculous. These things end up causing us stress, money, and, valuable space. To effectively utilize that glorious unused square footage, you must begin to remove some of the dead weight and begin a very overdue organizational overhaul. Tackle your discarded personal belongings, and you can set yourself to enjoy your garage with infinite potential! A quiet home office with custom glass partitions, a yoga studio, a personal gym, kids play zone, or an art studio could all easily fit into your very unused and underappreciated garage.

In life, it’s all about creating space and utilizing the available solutions to evolve yourself and your life into a well functioning, harmonious balance. Home is no different. By transitioning your interiors into a cocoon that actually serves and inspires you, you can begin to fulfill your dreams, aspirations and enhance your overall enjoyment (not to mention, regaining some of your sanity in the process). For more inspiration and spatial solutions, don’t hesitate to check out the best space-optimizing sliding glass doors, sliding closet doors, and sliding room dividers offered at The Sliding Door Company. Visit Us Online to browse our online viewing catalog and Enjoy A Free Consultation from one of our team members to actualize your vision today!

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Coastal Living in Marina Del Rey

Living in California is essentially a luxury unto itself. Living in Southern California, even better. Living in Marina Del Rey? An absolute dream. Great weather all year round, palm trees, a stunning harbor, fine dining, and shops scattered throughout a breezy coastal landscape. It comes as no surprise that real estate in Marina Del Rey is some of the most sought after in the world today. Getting the chance to build your own dream home in Marina Del Rey is an exciting, inspirational adventure. You should be intentionally designing your home to utilize all the best assets this area has to offer, including the sweet ocean breeze, stunning coastal views, plenty of sun exposure, and your proximity to the Pacific. Here are a few design considerations to keep close in mind while contracting your new home in Marina Del Rey.

Would You Look At That?

When you set out to design your dream Marina Del Rey home, take into account your innate access to a plethora of stunning views. Whether they be of the sparkling Pacific Ocean, the famous yacht harbor, or of the striking Los Angeles skyline, the views are essentially limitless. Once you define where you wish to direct your gaze for the foreseeable future, you can then start to think about how you can situate your home to emphasize that view. Making use of large-scale sliding glass doors that will forward you that beautiful view is a wonderful way to bring the outside in, so to speak. Additionally, think about other space optimizing solutions that will enhance and enable your visibility throughout the home and transmit the most natural light throughout your interiors. Let the ocean breeze sweep you up with floor to ceiling glass wall partitions and sliding glass room dividers for enhanced visibility of breathtaking views within your bedrooms, work-study, or family room. Do you use glass wall partitions and sliding room dividers or a breeze to install, will last a lifetime, and offer you the physical barrier of a wall without sacrificing your view maintaining a consistent aesthetic throughout your house is super important during the design process. If you decide to integrate glass wall dividers throughout your home, consider also installing sliding glass closet doors and sliding glass bathroom doors to match. To achieve a sleek modern interior theme, glass wall partitions will do the majority of the work for you!

Seaside Home Office

Regardless of how valuable having a home office is during this troubling pandemic, it’s always wise to design your home to include a full-size work-study. A place to collect your thoughts, work on personal projects, or to work from home while the necessity to work remotely continues for months on end. When designing your dream home office, think about how you can maximize your view to feel integrated to the outside while working away during the best daytime hours. Install glass office partitions rather than typical walls in order to enhance your view and visibility of the beautiful Marina Del Rey landscape.

Take Advantage of those Rays

Living in light-filled Southern California obviously offers many environmental benefits. One of the best perks about living in Marina Del Rey is your ability to install solar panels to power your home and situate yourself in the wonderful position to receive a generous ROI in the near future. Being able to sell your power back to PG&E is a huge financial relief and a large point of pride for many homeowners that switch to solar. Speak with your architect about your solar options, and inquire about other forms of renewable energy such as wind power. Being that you live in a breezy seaside town, you can effectively install rooftop windmills to generate even more electricity than solar alone. These technologies will undoubtedly save you money and earn you a few eco karma points in the process.

For more inspiration and space optimizing solutions, don’t hesitate to check out the best sliding glass barn doors, sliding closet doors, sliding room dividers, and spatial solutions offered at The Sliding Door Company. Visit Us Online to browse our online viewing catalog and Enjoy A Free Consultation from one of our team members to actualize your vision today!

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