
How to Choose the Perfect Commercial Sliding Doors

Choosing the right interior style for your business is a huge step in perfecting your vision. Commercial doors are for more than office space. Cutting-edge applications and designs can be found in hospitals, hotels, malls, and schools – all places we’ve worked. Made specifically to catch the eye of potential customers while also making them comfortable, The Sliding Door Company specializes in unique, multi-faceted doors and custom installations for your commercial space

What are “commercial” sliding doors?

When you encounter the unique day-to-day logistics of employees, patrons, furniture and equipment, your design plans may be different from another type of business. First, you have to know what your needs are for your business. If you’re employee-focused you may be looking to boost productivity, ease employees into team working spaces, or provide a space with a lot of natural light. To save space, sliding doors create more space and don’t interfere with the area you may need for workflow ease. Renovating your building isn’t just to make your space better looking, it is about providing a supportive space that will let your company and your employees thrive. There are limitless applications – from restaurants to offices, gyms and spas to malls and museums. Schools, government offices, retail, car dealerships, and childcare centers to name a few can all benefit from rethinking their workspace layout and design. 

dining area with sliding door

When do you use commercial sliding doors? 

Knowing when to utilize commercial designs versus residential styles is also an important aspect of preparing for your renovation. There are key differences in how these panels are installed and the way they are designed. If you are working in an office, the hospitality industry, brick and mortar sites, or hospitals we highly recommend viewing commercial doors that work because they are specifically designed to provide the right elements for your needs. You should be sure to optimize your interior door solution with the glass opacity of your choice, frame finishes to complement your decor and accessories that will provide the functionality you need. Things like locks, levers, tracks and ADA compliance will all be important factors for you to consider. 

Key Considerations for Commercial Doors

There are a few things to consider on top of which door you choose. How you will choose to keep your space private with different glass opacities or which handle will benefit you the best all need to be considered when planning your interior. Stepping back, assessing your work needs and employee necessities, and deciding what aesthetic would be best for you are all key aspects of your project that you need to consider before beginning your renovations. 

You may wonder about safety, flexibility, whether or not the door is floor to ceiling, how changes will affect your space, turnaround time and even what happens if you move. All these important considerations can be fully addressed with the support of our professional team. 

dressing room with unique doors

Connect with us to begin your renovation journey. We work hard to provide comforting spaces so that your consumers will linger in comfort. Visit any of our showrooms to see our doors and handles in-person to find the right fit for you. To learn more about our commercial designs, you can connect with a representative on our site.Â